
你是个观察人物的人吗? 你对人类的社会行为感兴趣吗? UNE’s Bachelor of Arts 在社会学 program focuses on the origins and evolution of human social interaction. 通过实践学习机会, 包括实地考察, 研究, 和实习, you will learn about a range of social challenges; consider their cultural, 全球, and political implications; and find out how to be part of the solution. You’ll leave the program ready to pursue a career in social service or a graduate degree in sociology, 社会工作, 法律, 经济学, 环境研究, 公共卫生, 或者其他学科.


因为学生的参与是重中之重, 我们提供研究机会, 演讲嘉宾, 实地考察, and hands-on classroom experiences that get you excited about sociology. This focus on learning by doing not only makes for richer student experiences but gives you an edge when applying for employment or graduate study.

  • Emphasis on engaging 实地考察, internships, and capstone experience
  • 个性化学术支持
  • 出国旅游机会
  • 高就业率和研究生入学率

I wouldn’t be on the track I am — on the career path I’m on — if I hadn’t gotten involved in undergraduate 研究.




The following are examples of the exciting courses that the Sociology major offers:

  • 拉丁美洲社会
  • 食品、健康和社会社会学
  • 科幻电影中的未来社会
  • 医学社会学
  • 法律社会学
  • 公正的社会


CAS核心要求 学分
总计 42–46
社会学核心课程 学分
SOC 150 -社会学入门 3
SOC 268 -社会研究实践 3
SOC 270 -古典社会理论 3
SOC 280 -当代社会理论 3
SOC 300 -实习 3
SOC 370 -应用领域的方法 3
总计 18
选修课 学分
一(1)社会全球研究课程 3
一(1)社会文化研究课程 3
一(1)300 or 400级选修课 3
一(1)社会学、人类学 or 任何级别的考古学课程 3
总计 12
应用顶点经验积分(下文讨论) 学分
选项1 -实习 9–16
选项2 -顶点论文 9–16
选择3 -出国留学 9–16
总计 9–16
专业总学分 39–46
开放选修学分需要达到毕业 变量
社会学专业最低要求总学分 120



学生 may take between nine (9) and sixteen (16) credits to complete this ACE. 学生 may select from over 750 sites in the Civic Engagement database. This learning opportunity should parallel the student’s area of interest and help him/her to gain experience, 技能, and knowledge of how systems work and how to develop options in a given field.


学生 may take between nine (9) and sixteen (16) credits to complete this ACE. The thesis should build on the work the student has done in the Sociology major. This academic work should prepare them for graduate study in disciplines that have been incorporated into their study.


学生 will typically take 15-16 credits to complete a study abroad experience. 而在异国社会和文化中学习是很重要的, the primary focus is to take courses from the new institution that will help the student to develop his/her areas of interest as it relates to the major. 简而言之, there needs to be an integrated social science experience that drives the study abroad learning as well as the opportunity to explore a new society and culture for this to be a successful experience. All study abroad experiences should first be cleared with the Academic Director to see if they qualify to meet the requirement for the Capstone.

SOC majors may use an SGA course to fulfill both the major requirement and the CORE requirement.

本专业的学生可以参加 学前健康研究生院准备课程.

要了解有关该计划的更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.

We offer qualified students the option of graduating with Honors. 这包括重要的研究, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member. 感兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的指导老师.


He plans to use visual storytelling to engage the public and inspire action around important issues — like protecting our oceans and fisheries. Cam is one of the many UNE students who are gaining the 技能 and knowledge to make an impact and be of service.


A deep and nuanced understanding of human social behavior is an advantage in virtually every profession. While your degree 在社会学 will position you to pursue advanced graduate study in a variety of fields -- from 社会工作, 咨询, 从公共卫生到犯罪学, 法律, 还有医学——你可以考虑很多职业, 包括:

  • 律师
  • 公共关系/广告专员
  • 市场研究
  • 记者
  • ESL / l形的老师
  • 中介
  • 社会正义倡导者
  • 青年事务主任
  • U.S. 政府公务员

Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, the 就业服务办公室 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.



作为一个社会学专业的学生, you may opt to travel to Latin America as part of the IMM(UNE) club, which conducts medical volunteer missions in places like Guatemala and Ecuador.


社会学专业的重点是应用, 动手学习能让你融入社会, elbow-to-elbow with a variety of professionals in real-world settings.


Our database of more than 900 internship sites allows you to gain valuable professional experience in a field you want to explore. Our graduates have interned with legal services organizations, 国际慈善机构, 市区社区组织, 公共电视台, 还有很多其他团体.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Sam McReynolds博士.D.,电话:(207)602-2765或 smcreynolds@eatingfish.net.


As an Applied Social student, you choose a capstone experience to widen the scope of your expertise. There are three ways to fulfill the applied capstone experience (ACE).


你可能需要9到16个学分来完成这个ACE. You may select from more than 800 sites in the departmental database. This learning opportunity should parallel your area of interest and help you gain experience, 技能, and knowledge of how systems work and how to develop options in a given field.


你可能需要9到16个学分来完成这个ACE. The thesis should build on the work you have done in the Sociology major. This academic work should prepare you for graduate study in disciplines that have been incorporated into your study.


It typically takes 15-16 credits to complete a study abroad experience. 而在异国社会和文化中学习是很重要的, the primary focus is to take courses from the new institution that will help you to develop your areas of interest as it relates to your major. 简而言之, there needs to be an integrated social science experience that drives the study abroad learning as well as the opportunity to explore a new society and culture for this to be a successful experience. All study abroad experiences should first be cleared with the department chair to see if they qualify to meet the requirement for the capstone.